A Camping We Will Go--Maybe
Yes, the workmen who removed the asbestos locked our dog in with the boiler and when I couldn't find her I went into super, freak-out mode searching for our dog in our house and in our neighborhood. I searched every nook and cranny of our house and yard searching for the dog. I walked our neighborhoood, questioned neighbors who were outside and the construction workers building a home a few doors down. In a fit of hysteria, I called Matt who immediately took a car home from the city. During my frantic search, I became convinced that the workmen stole her (it actually happened to me as a child when a city workman stole our Labrador Retreiver). Lizzie never leaves our yard and I had just seen her minutes before the work men left. I convinced myself they took her so I ended my search through our neighborhood to come home and call the company. I went into the basement office to find the company's phone number and I heard the jingle jangle of Lizzie's dog tags. I ran to the boiler room and there she was cowered in the corner. The workers had shut her in. I had found her, but Matt had left work early and was nearly home by the time I found her. So, we decided to go camping--we thought.
We packed our bags and headed out the door to go camping. A couple of weeks ago we made weekend reservations at a RV resort in Lake George, NY. We were eager to try out our RV but when we arrived at the RV we discovered that the jack was broken and we couldn't hook up the RV to our car. So back to the house we went.
Saturday Matt got up early to go the RV dealer where we bought our RV for help. After discovering that they were unwilling and useless he came up with his own solution and was able to hook up the RV. We were finally on our way.
Just after arriving at the RV resort, the sky opened up and it began to pour and hail. I was beginning to think that we were getting a message that RVing wasn't for us. Luckily, it all ceased and we were able to set up camp (quite easily I might add) and settle in. We didn't get to see much of the sites as we spent the majority of our time checking out the RV. In the morning we took a walk around the site and then headed home.
In the end, we used our 1st experience in the RV as a "getting to know the RV" session. We got to learn and experience all the bells and whistles and we are better equipped for a longer excursion.
Welcome to Our Playroom
This is just too funny (and it shows my weird sense of humor). Work started today to replace our 80+ year old boiler in our basement, which is our media and play rooms.
The first phase of the removal was getting the asbestos out of the boiler. The men came around 8 a.m. and spent 2 hours barricading off the area around the boiler by putting thick, plastic barriers throughout along with these signs. When I rounded the corner to see what the heck they were stapling in all the walls, I saw this. I couldn't stop laughing. I HAD to photograph it.
I sent it to Matt and he thought it was a classic too.
Random Razorbacks
Christi sent them as a gift to Chloe for not sending stickers for the pesky little sticker club letters I got suckered into sending out a few weeks ago. And, yes, they are way cuter than stickers and will look oh so adorable in Chloe's red crocs. And, more bizarre they are dead ringers for my Razorback earrings I wore in my Rush photo! I'm thinking maybe I will save these for Chloe's Rush photo in 15 years. I can see her now, in 15 year old Crocs, wearing 15 year old Razorback Jibbitzs! A sure-fire way to get her cut!
I just found it humorous that on one day in a place you rarely see anything Razorback related that these two random events came minutes apart. GO HOGS!
Getting Schooled

We got a nice taste of what is to come this past week thanks to our 6 and 8 year old nieces. It has been over 2 years since I was in a classroom and out of the loop of what is "in" with the pre-teen/teen crowd. Thanks to Gemma & Bryn, I am now back in the "know".
The saying is true, you don't know what you are missing (and frankly, I didn't miss it). I had heard of this and that, but didn't know it was the end all be all of tween cool. I had never heard of them but only just discovered that they live in a neighboring town. It wouldn't have meant anything had I not been schooled by my nieces.
I guess I have to start paying a little more attention as Chloe is getting older and taking more notice of things like that. She informed us this morning that Diego was her favorite person (fabulous to know we rank somewhere below a cartoon character in her world). And, yesterday while shopping Chloe broke into a dance while singing the chorus of "Breaking Free" from HSM2. Oy!
Next thing I know, she'll be requesting Radio Disney and these (no way).
Conspicious Consumption

The other two purchases were completely non-essential. The first was this--
And, we purchased that to haul this--
Yes, we have completely lost our minds. The Lincoln replaces my old car and the trailer is something Matt wanted to get for a while to take on weekend vacations in the region and to his autocross events.
Camping anyone?
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