Since we went to Colorado for Christmas, we opened Christmas presents up early---didn't want to cart all the gifts on the plane or mail them. Chloe got to open the presents from us before leaving and she will receive her present from Santa in Denver.
Instead of making a traditional Christmas meal for the three of us, we decided to put my Christmas present from my mother-in-law, Anne, to good use and have us a traditional British fish 'n chips meal. Anne got my a deep fryer just for the occassion of a good old fish fry up. My first attempt came out pretty darn good. The photo of the fish doesn't look good but it tasted great and the chips were fantastic. Chloe declared it was the best meal she had ever eaten (she didn't get a Boddington's by the way)

Earlier in the day we had snow and Chloe was excited to get dressed up and make snow angels. She and our neighbor's son played in the snow and had a great time.

Of course, all the playing made Chloe tired so we had to call the gift opening quits early for bed. Chloe opened the rest of her presents the next night. Matt and I opened our gifts after Chloe went to bed. It was a practical Christmas for both of us, especially for Matt. His big present from me was a trouser press.

I got this-----I put out enough hints! It came in handy on the ski slopes as we used it to record Chloe skiing (see next post).

Chloe's big gift was a W*ii*. She has wanted one ever since she saw her cousins over a year ago. We got a few games for her. So far she is loving playing with it and is very careful with it.

We got some games in before leaving for Colorado on Monday.
Chloe playing with the dragon puppet from Matt's Dad.