Before I really begin this post, I would like to point out the above photo. This room WAS tidy 10 minutes prior to the toy tornado (a.k.a. Chloe) coming through. Honestly, my patience has been worn thin as she moves from one item to another, rifling through her toys, throwing them everywhere. I have been seeking a toy that would hold Chloe's attention. She is an only-child (for the forseeable future anyway) and I am her main playmate.
Watching Chloe play at the science center this past weekend, gave me the idea of a new toy. Well, it's not so new. When Chloe was going through sensory therapy after she arrived home, this was a recommended toy---much to her displeasure. Her therapist had recommended that we fill a bathtub full of rice and put in some stacking cups for Chloe. Chloe with her sensory issues hated it, but 3.5 year old Chloe loves this toy now. Of course, I didn't fill a bathtub full of rice, I filled a large, square container with rice and placed in some spoons, measuring cups and a small pitcher. It provides hours of entertainment and she scoops and measures. 
Yesterday, playgroup was at our house and all 5 kids were gathered around the rice box for 2 hours. Chloe will sit and play in the rice now forever. I had to pull her away for dinner tonight...not without some struggle.
Now, it isn't clean either, but I will opt for vaccuuming up rice off the floor of the playroom to a disaster area all over the house.