We slipped away for a long weekend in London. Sad to say, but I much prefer the weather in London right now than in NJ. Who would think that anyone would say that? It seems there has been a mix up in the weather and London got NJ's weather and vice versa.
On to the highlights of our getaway...
The reason for our trip was to celebrate hubby's 40th birthday. Flights were reasonable and BA threw in a free hotel. Who could refuse? London is a fantastic city---moving up my ranks as one of my favorites. Since Matt is English, he knows London well. I would say I am familiar with London. I was lucky enough to live in England for 3 months in 1998-99 and got to frequently visit and explore London. We want Chloe to appreciate England too, which I think she does. This was her third trip to the U.K. She is more aware of the surroundings now---she noticed that cars and the drivers are on the opposite side, people have different accents and that the queen lives in a big palace.
We left for our trip on Thursday morning. We much prefer the morning flights that get you to England in the evening. It works out better with a child and frankly, I just prefer it. On my first visit to England we took the evening flight, arrived in England in the early hours of the next day and went about the day---I was shot. Couldn't stay awake and became so tired that my blood sugar spiked and I began vomiting. Never again.
After we arrived at Heathrow we took the train to Paddington from Terminal 5--very nice. From Paddington we took a taxi to our hotel. Our hotel was apparently field trip central with hundreds and hundreds of teenage students on school trips to London. In the courtyard of the hotel you could spy numerous adults standing on potted plants or tables shouting in Spanish, Italian or English at their group of teens about the days events. After checking in and putting our bags in our room it was about 9 p.m. We headed out for a bite to eat. Walking from the hotel we found an Indian restaurant and went in for a meal. We returned to our hotel around 1 a.m. and went to bed (it was after all 8 p.m. in NJ).
We woke the next morning, surveyed the sights in daylight, grabbed a quick bite for breakfast and jumped aboard a double-decker tour bus. Even though Matt knows London and I have toured it numerous times we had never done it. It was great and it worked out really well too. We could hop on and off at sights as we pleased and Chloe could take a nap, which apparently she needed. Unfortunately she slept right through the stop to Buckingham Palace.
On Saturday we met Anne, Matt's mum at St. Pancras station and went to the London Eye. It was a clear and sunny day so we could see all of greater London.

The view of the carriage above us on the London Eye.
Matt, Chloe, Anne and I on the London Eye (with Big Ben and Parliament in the background).

A view of Buckingham Palace from the London Eye.
After the London Eye we walked across the Thames by Parliament and then headed to do some shopping at Harrod's.
Matt and Chloe with Parliament and Big Ben in the background.
Chloe and I outside Harrod's. Chloe got a Formula 1 hat and Lewis Hamil*ton shirt.
We spent a long time in Harrod's. We took a break at a cafe across the street from Harrod's and did what everyone else was doing, people watching. Matt got a pair of Pr*ada sunglasses he has been spying since Mexico and I got an early birthday present--a pair of Cha*nel sunglasses. Notice a theme here?
Sunday was Matt's birthday and we decided to rent a car and drive to Matt's mums house. She has had some car trouble, so Matt wanted to check things out on the car and get it sorted. Matt managed to get things settled pretty quickly on the car and we headed to our favorite pub for lunch---

The Snooty Fox. I love this pub. Its got really good food and is in a small and quiet village. There is a stone house with a thatch-roof across the street that I have always loved. I figure if life gets too boring in this little hamlet, I could always walk across the street to the pub!
The birthday boy enjoying a pint in the garden of the pub.
Chloe's favorite thing about The Snooty Fox--a playground.
We left Matt's mums house after lunch and headed back to London on the M1. After we had made the flight arrangements I had booked high tea at The Ritz. I also requested champagne and a birthday cake for the event. We were making good time until---
A massive wreck on the M1 shut the entire highway down--on both sides. We were stuck, parked for two hours on the M1 while police attempted to turn everyone around. I had to call The Ritz and cancel high tea. It was a real disappointment, but we were glad we could go and see Matt's mum, get her car sorted and visit our favorite pub. Despite the setback, it was a good day and a good 40th birthday for Matt.
It was a great getaway. So glad we could do it for Matt's birthday.