We're Those People
Of course, Chloe had to get a painting too---a face painting. And being that she runs around the house most days on all fours roaring and pretending she's Mufa*sa, she chose a lion.
Dossier to Ethiopia!
To celebrate we decided to go out to eat. I wanted to go and eat Ethiopian food but the closest Ethiopian restaurant is in NYC and another is about 35 minutes south in NJ. Matt got home about 7 p.m. and I didn't want to make him turn around and head back into the city and it was getting late so we didn't want to trek south to the other Ethiopian restaurant in NJ. So, we did what was practical, grabbed one of the restaurant gift certificates and went here. I know, I know, what were we thinking? Well, we had a $50 gift certificate to use and Chloe loves pasta, so why not we thought. I had eaten there before and it wasn't bad. Should have driven for the Ethiopian food.
We got seated right away, someone took our drink order, our drinks came and then we were forgotten about---for 25 minutes. Apparently the two waitresses disagreed on which one should wait on our table. So, they decided neither of them should. Matt got it sorted out and we eventually did get to order and eat, not without some other complications. Needless to say, it wasn't a great meal out and we won't be returning. Not the celebration we wanted.
One of the exciting things about Ethiopian adoption is that you get to track your dossier to Ethiopia. We didn't get to do this with our two China dossiers---you get to wait and wonder until about 1-2 months later when you get a notice that you're dossier reached China and was logged in. Our Ethiopian dossier is different and I woke this morning to check-in and see how its progressing on its journey to Africa.
All this work, the paperchasing, the worrying, the double-checking and triple-checking to have our dossier go to Oregon then to Washington D.C. then back to Oregon then on to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to have it sitting 20 miles from my home in NYC. Too funny.
So, I'll keep checking in on it I am sure. And, yes, I signed up for the delivery alert, but yes, I am still checking in on it.
In other exciting news, it is supposed to be beautiful and in the 80s here this weekend. I am walking on sunshine with excitement!!!!!
On Broadway...
A family photo with Rafiki in the background.
Last night we were treated to dinner here and then walked across the street to see the Li*on King. It was fantastic. The costumes are amazing. Chloe was mesmerized in between her running commentary on what was happening or going to happen. She loved it! Thanks Tom!
Matt, Chloe and Tom after the musical. Tom is holding a beautiful beaded elephant made in S. Africa that he bought for Chloe.
A New Ally in My War on the Grocery Store
I have been waging war against them for three years, spreading the word to anyone who would listen that you don't have to be a megastore to be a good supermarket. All it takes is to keep the aisles stocked and maintain some fraction of customer service.
So, it was with joy and befuddlement that I came across and article in my local paper today. The columnist was bemoaning that Consum*er Report*s will publish their supermarket rankings this upcoming months and they found our area one-stop shop chain supermarkets to be some of the worst in the nation. "How could this be?" he wondered. He also pondered as to why they would rank three area stores, Tra*der Jo*es, Who*le Foo*ds and Fa*irway (all at the top of the list)above the more typical area supermarkets (which were at the very bottom of the list). Is there something he didn't know he asked? Yes, yes there is and I am the one to tell you what you are missing.
So, continuing my crusade, I penned a letter to the journalist in an effort to enlighten him and the myriad of county readers who read his weekly column. I basically stated that the three, specialty stores had something the one-stop supermarkets did not---you guessed it, customer service. These stores keep things in stock and actually bag the $400 in groceries you purchased. They don't give you the stink eye as you throw food into bags because the clerk doesn't bag and she is beginning to check out the next person in line, mixing their grocery items with yours. But, I am not going to get started, the blood pressure is rising.
Hopefully my letter will make it into next week's column.
Chloe's Playground Rules
My cousin Rachel came to the city on Saturday and we toured the sights with Chloe in tow. Translation: we didn't see much. When Chloe goes into the city she knows what she wants to see--the Natural History Museum or a playground in Central Park. Being that it was a beautiful day, the playground won out.
Rule #3: The purpose of making a new friend is so you can use the cool stuff they brought with them to the park.
Science Center Field Trip
The program was geared to the preschool class of four & five year olds and focused on harnessing the power of air to move rockets into space. The program was very engaging and lots of fun.
Random, but it was funny at the time
So this is my usual morning ride to school with Chloe. As I said, we were reliving yesterday like it was 2 years ago when I can hear in the background what sounds like a Le*xus car commercial. At least it sounds like it is because it is the voice of the announcer. The one who has done all commercials since 1989. I'm listening to Chloe's questions and statements when I hear the announcer get bleeped out on the commericial. Did he just cuss? Is this a real commericial. Of course, I couldn't tell what I heard because I was playing 20 questions with Chloe.
After dropping Chloe off at pre-school I scanned the airwaves to hear what I thought I heard again. I was running an errand when the spot came on again. Its hilarious and I was hearing what I thought I heard with the exception that it is a Mit*subishi commercial. It features the voice of the original Le*xus announcer, who has done the commercial voice overs since 1989 and was recently replaced. He is now the voice for Mit*subishi and since he has such a recognizable voice they decided to take a little jab at Le*xus. I desperately tried to find the commercial on the internet but couldn't. There's lots on the internet about it though. If you hear it, listen to it (if you are able to).
Three Years in New Jersey
Matt asked me this weekend to name another city I would like to live in besides the NYC metropolis. My initial reaction was to say Dallas, but I thought that would upset him if I said that since he is still convinced I would move back in a hot second. So, I said Austin. Matt’s answer? Dallas!
In all honesty though, other than really enjoying the low-cost of housing and having my parents and Matt’s brother nearby, Dallas offers little to us now. I thought for a few minutes about moving back to Dallas and my first thought was----what would we do for entertainment in the land of chain restaurants and strip shopping malls? (Sorry to all my Dallas pals, but really). New Jersey is home now. We don’t live in NYC proper but we get to benefit from all that living in NYC suburbia offers. In my opinion we live in the most diverse, cultural epi-center in the U.S. It’s entertaining and there is so much on offer. You certainly don’t get bored here!
In honor of three years, I’ve made a list of my favorite things about where we live now:
1. I can go to the highest point in our town and see NYC. Some have a view of it from their yards—I can pop into NYC if I want to and just because.
2. Lots of public transportation. I can take a bus, taxi or train into the City w/o having to move my car from the driveway of our house.
3. I can walk from our house into our town to shop for groceries or at The G*ap.
4. Sometimes I hate it but, we actually have four seasons here!
5. Lots of social and philanthropic groups to get involved with.
6. Lots of historic sites and U.S. history nearby.
7. If I drive west, north or east I will make it to a one of three different states in an hour or less (Try that in Texas).
8. You can actually be outdoors in the middle of the day in summer w/o getting heat stroke.
9. We can snow ski in winter.
10. On the weekends we can pick the shore or the mountains (its usually the mountains).

Preparing for Easter
One of Chloe's presents was a dinosaur egg that you carve away to find a plastic, dinosaur skeleton puzzle. Chloe couldn't wait to open this and get started. What an absolute mess! Chloe was covered in dust in the end and our hands hurt so much from digging out the fossils. Chloe loved it of course...what kid doesn't enjoy making a huge mess?
I had promised Chloe that we would dye eggs yesterday, so while she was at preschool I boiled some eggs. After the dino egg disaster we went outside to dye the eggs. Chloe loves tie-dye so I purchased that kit as well as a painted, sparkly egg kit. Chloe painted one egg and then we attempted to tie-dye and egg. Apparently my creative skills don't extend to coloring eggs. In the end, Chloe just wanted to dip the eggs in color and spoon them out.
This was very big girl to her.
On a side note, I co-oped this week at Chloe's preschool. Her school is not affiliated with a church and they don't do religious activities but they do dye eggs and have an egg hunt. So, during circle time on the day I co-oped I was surprised to hear the teacher ask if the children knew what Easter was all about. Many of the children were eager to answer and many raised their hands. One little girl got called on and shouted out, "Easter eggs!" and the teacher replied in her happy, loud preschool teacher voice, "That's right! And, the Easter Bunny brings them!". Something welled up inside and I blurted out in my middle-school history teacher voice, "NO IT'S NOT!!!!". You could have heard a pin drop and every eye was on me, causing me to say, "It's not about eggs and a bunny!" And I left it at that.
The teacher's eyes were as big as saucers and I think she gave me the stink eye. But seriously?!? First, and I hate to offend those preschool/elementary teachers out there, as a secondary level history teacher, I hated having to correct every silly misconception children came to U.S. History with, the majority of which came from preschool and elementary teachers and D*isney movies. If you don't want to teach what really happened on an age appropriate-level, skip it please. Don't create more culturally illiterate people. Christians and non-Christians in a western country should be able to tell you that Easter is a Christian holiday that commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus. And really, the point is this, I can't fathom why the teacher thought that was a good question to ask anyway?! Its a non-religious school but that doesn't mean I want someone telling my child that Easter is about a bunny that comes and leaves eggs in your yard! So, I had to do some cultural literacy damage control with Chloe, on an age-appropriate level of course.
Funny thing, I am friends with the aunt of one the girls in Chloe's class. She came to dinner this week and without me telling her about my co-op experience she shared that her niece randomly told her that she learned at school that Easter is about a person in a bunny costume that puts eggs filled with candy in your yard! Oh my....
The Dossier is Done!
Off with the Training Wheels
Dinner Anyone?

NO FOOLIN'..."IT'S" HERE!! (I-171H)

Chloe and I came back from our all-day search for Easter shoes to find that our I-171h arrived!!! Its only been 1 1/2 weeks since fingerprinting!! I snapped this shot and immediately made copies so I can send it off for state certification tomorrow. Hopefully our dossier will be in Ethiopia this month!!! Yipppeeee!!!
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