We went camping in the Catskills this weekend. We came back early this morning because some rain, hail and thunderstorms are supposed to hit this afternoon. We're home now, washing laundry, watching movies and listening to the rain that's starting to fall.
We went to camp at our "usual" location. We bought Flash a smaller crate that would fit inside the RV and he slept in that. He liked being inside the RV and didn't destroy anything (yippeee!). Lizzie tried to show Flash the ropes of camping but he was a bit unsure. He didn't like to have his Mommy, Daddy & Chloe out of eyesight which meant that while he was tied up outside we couldn't go inside the RV for anything without Flash whaling and crying. I'm glad we think he is cute because I am sure our fellow campers didn't when he starting whimpering and crying at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday morning after I went inside to pour myself a cup of coffee.
Eventhough we have been camping at the same location before, we did different activities. We found a German restaurant all alone at the top of a mountain that we had dinner at on Saturday evening. When we ate, no one else was there, but by the time we ate and left the ompah party was just beginning. We also went canoing on Saturday at North-South Lake. This was Chloe's favorite activity. If we keep camping, I see canoes or kayaks in our future.
Chloe enjoying a cookie at the lake.
Matt and the dogs at the campsite.