We went around the table and shared what we were thankful for--Chloe is thankful for Daddy and helping him clean the Po*rsche. Daddy & Mommy were both thankful for our family. We are hoping that on Monday we get to add another member to our family officially.
Turkey Day
Friday, November 27, 2009
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We had a great Thanksgiving. We went into the City, saw a little of the Thanksgiving Day Parade and then went to the premiere of this:
Afterwards we came home and ate stuffing with some turkey. Turkey takes a second fiddle around our house until today, when Matt makes his famous turkey curry buffet with the leftovers (yum!).
One of Those Days
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
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Tuesdays are long days. Chloe has enrichment in the morning, lunch and play, kindergarten and then twice a month she has her Daisy meeting. Tuesday was also the school bake sale. Matt volunteered to help the bake sale, which translated means I baked and worked his shift.
At 3:00, 500+ elementary kids bombarded the table looking for a sweet treat for $1. We were sold out after 30 minutes. Chloe missed the bake sale because she had a Daisy meeting. When I picked her up later that afternoon, she didn't want to tell me anything except to whine that she didn't get to buy a cupcake at the bake sale. She cried, whined and yelled in the car how it wasn't fair and it was the worst day of her life. (SERIOUSLY--and she's only 5)
Being the complete pushover I drove to main street and the upscale cupcake shop. I took Chloe inside and gave her $3 and told her to buy a cupcake. She picked out the tie-dyed cupcake with the peace sign on it. She was happy...for now.
Since we were in town I decided to take her a few doors down to the kids shoe store to look for navy dress shoes and to get some new winter boots. Yes, *U*G*G* boots. The shoes store had no navy dress shoes but they had a giant selection of "the boots". Chloe made her choice, she got sized and we made our purchase.
As we headed back to the car, I said, "What a nice ending to what you said was 'the worst day of your life'. You got a tie-dyed cupcake and some really nice *U*gg boots. What more could you want"!
"I want a backpack with a peace sign on it," Chloe responded.
AAAARRRGGGHHHHH! The drive home was spent talking about rhetorical questions and how smart little girls who just got an expensive cupcake and expensive boots wouldn't have answered one.
At 3:00, 500+ elementary kids bombarded the table looking for a sweet treat for $1. We were sold out after 30 minutes. Chloe missed the bake sale because she had a Daisy meeting. When I picked her up later that afternoon, she didn't want to tell me anything except to whine that she didn't get to buy a cupcake at the bake sale. She cried, whined and yelled in the car how it wasn't fair and it was the worst day of her life. (SERIOUSLY--and she's only 5)
Being the complete pushover I drove to main street and the upscale cupcake shop. I took Chloe inside and gave her $3 and told her to buy a cupcake. She picked out the tie-dyed cupcake with the peace sign on it. She was happy...for now.
Since we were in town I decided to take her a few doors down to the kids shoe store to look for navy dress shoes and to get some new winter boots. Yes, *U*G*G* boots. The shoes store had no navy dress shoes but they had a giant selection of "the boots". Chloe made her choice, she got sized and we made our purchase.
As we headed back to the car, I said, "What a nice ending to what you said was 'the worst day of your life'. You got a tie-dyed cupcake and some really nice *U*gg boots. What more could you want"!
"I want a backpack with a peace sign on it," Chloe responded.
AAAARRRGGGHHHHH! The drive home was spent talking about rhetorical questions and how smart little girls who just got an expensive cupcake and expensive boots wouldn't have answered one.
Cutest Tree Ever
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Matt and I went to my Junior League fundraiser last night and bid and won the cutest Le*go tree. The tree was made by a League member and I think it is so creative.
Chloe saw it on Friday when she went with me to help set-up and she told us she wanted it for her room. She was surprised this morning to come downstairs and see it.
Dress Up
Saturday, November 21, 2009
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Daisy Induction
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
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Taking the Daisy pledge before the start of the ceremony.

Wearing her new tunic after induction.
Chloe was inducted into the Daisy's yesterday and she received her much anticipated Daisy tunic. She has already earned a badge for going to the Ho-Down kickoff but it hasn't arrived yet (much to her dismay). Her troop meets every other Tuesday and they wear khaki pants and a white shirt. Chloe loves to wear this outfit as she is convinced it looks just like what Daddy wears to work.

Celebrate Adoption
Monday, November 09, 2009
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On Friday, our local library had a celebrate adoption event. The librarian has an adoptive daughter from China and she started the program by talking about international adoption, the process and showed slides of her adoption trip to China. She then opened the mic to anyone who wanted to share their adoption story. Chloe went up and shared that she was adopted from China and has a little brother named Oliver coming from Ethiopia. She then signed off saying, "Later!". It was sweet and cute.
Other girls from her Chinese dance class were in attendance and they decided to do an impromptu fan dance for the audience. They are performing the fan dance in NYC in June. I hope the fans make it that long!

While the Cats Away...
Saturday, November 07, 2009
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the mice Christmas shop. Chloe and I completed the majority of our Christmas shopping today. It was a marathon. Whew! Glad that's out of the way!
Matt's in Virginia at a Por*sche club driving event at Virginia *International *Raceway. He sent us the above photo. He took the Navigator and towed his car behind for the 10 hour drive. He went with a friend so he had company. We hope he's having a good time!

November is Celebrate Adoption Month
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
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We are in an article written for a local publication on adopting internationally. You can see the article here.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
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Dance Party
Monday, November 02, 2009
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We installed a dimmer in the basement and that required a family dance party. This is a video of Chloe dancing to one of her favorite songs. The ending is the best.
Halloween Recap
Sunday, November 01, 2009
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Halloween is over, only the candy remains. We raked leaves today after church and found candy and candy wrappers strewn in the yard. Since Halloween was on a Saturday we had a larger number of trick or treaters this year, even in the rain. We ventured a little beyond our usual trick or treating route this year and went to a few of Chloe's kindergarten classmates homes. When Chloe would ring the doorbell of each house the people would ask if she was Pocahontas to which Chloe would reply, "No, I'm just a Native American." The people would then say, "Oh, you're a pretty Indian." Chloe would then reiterate, "I'm not Indian, I'm a Native American!" Yes, those social studies teacher's kids can be a little pushy with the correct terminology.
On Friday at Chloe's elementary school the entire school had a Halloween Parade. The parade started at 1:45 p.m. and parents were lined 4 deep along the route. I waved and yelled for Chloe as she passed but being that I am a kindergarten parent and Chloe is our first in school, I didn't know about the elbowing to get your kids picture and missed out snapping one of her as she passed. I do have a good photo of the back of the lady's head who attempted to take me out to get her photo of her 2nd grader. I also think I have a bruised rib.
We got a real treat though yesterday--we received word that our adoption case will be going to court in Ethiopia on November 30. We will not be present at the court hearing but will be represented by our agency's attorney in Ethiopia. If we pass court, Oliver will officially be ours (by Ethiopian law). We will then travel to Ethiopia to pick up Oliver about 6 weeks later, where we will complete the U.S. portion of the international adoption. The court hearing is much earlier than we expected. We were thinking our case wouldn't be heard until mid-December so it was great news!!
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