Chloe was in a week-long soccer camp at the end of August. The camp was held each morning for an hour and a half with plenty of breaks for the toddler crew. The camp is well-known in our area and so many other kids and moms we knew were also participating. The camp is staffed by soccer (football) players from the U.K. Chloe's coach, Danny, hailed from Liverpool, but was born only a stone's throw away from Matt in Essex. Danny was only over for 9 weeks of camp and Chloe's group was his last. Teaching soccer to 10, 3 and 4 year old was like herding cats. I think he ran to his plane at the end of the week.
Chloe had great fun in camp. We've learned one thing about her, she's not about the game, she's about the accessories. She adored her soccer socks and shin guards and was very possessive of her ball. She had to be reminded frequently that soccer is a "foot" game and not about the hands. After the reminders she would kick the ball a few times and then pick it up and hug it the remainder of the time informing anyone that came within her vicinity that it was her ball. Coach Danny and Matt agreed that perhaps goalie was the position for Chloe.
Each day at camp focused on a country and its specific skills in soccer. This was taken on "England" day when Chloe was sporting a shirt I made especially for the day.
So fast.
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