Chloe and Mommy taking a photo. It's dark, but there is a lovely lake behind us.
Chloe and Daddy roasting marshmallows on the campfire.For the weekend we went camping in Pennsylvania, about 10 miles from the Delaware Water Gap. Its not too great a distance and is relatively easy to get to.
Of course, our first camping trip couldn't go without some hitches.
We forgot the walkie-talkies and when we arrived at the campground on Friday night it was dark. Matt drives and I direct. The campsite was not a pull-thru and had trees and rocks on either side making it a fairly narrow entrance. Luckily, Matt didn't hit anything, but we did have some heated discussions on how I stink at talking loudly and directing.While setting up camp we noticed that our kitchen counter split into two by the stove. The road to the campsite was winding and bumpy with open grate bridges. We assume that the twisting of the trailer caused the split. We dropped the RV off at the repair shop on Sunday to get this replaced. Lets hope its under warranty.It rained.The camp had an indoor pool and we forgot our swimsuits. A trip to Wally World rectified the situation.We made smores on Saturday night in lieu of cake for my birthday. Chloe didn't like them. I never thought I would meet anyone who doesn't like the combination of graham crackers, chocolate and toasted marshmallows! Much less have it be my child!
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