We returned from playgroup yesterday at about 5:30 p.m. Chloe was wound up and chatty and I had to cook dinner. After flipping through the mail and discovering
this catalog arrived, I came up with an idea to keep Chloe occupied while I made dinner. I gave Chloe the catalog along with a pen, told her to look through it and circle items she might like to ask Santa for Christmas. Chloe has this doll---

so I knew she would be happy to find accessories for her. She also has a B*itty Ba*by, so she was off in a flash through the catalog.
After dinner was made and eaten, Chloe was eager to show me the items she so desired from the catalog. We sat down on the couch and flipped from page to page looking for her circles. I just had to share the items Chloe circled---

Do you see a theme here? I don't know if I should worry about the safety of Chloe's AG dolls or cancel our ski plans for this Christmas.
1 comment
oh, oh, sounds like she has the bug. Great post - hopew the skiing turns out fine!
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