We headed back to the car, and went to Le*Vain Bakery. It sits basement level, below a big storefront with a small sign. You have to look for it. If Sue hadn't told me you had to keep an eye out for it, I wouldn't have found it and thought I had the wrong address. Chloe and I found a rockstar parking space and headed to the bakery. HOLY MOTHER! I could have gone into diabetic shock just stepping foot in the door! This place makes cookies that are meals. It too is tiny. I wouldn't stop in here to sit and have a snack like I would Ruby *et* Violette, but I would stop in for the heavenly goodness they bake. We picked up a batch of chocolate chip walnut and chocolate chocolate chip cookies.
Realizing that I may have entered cookie overload, I decided to call Matt and bring the Le*Vain cookies by his work for an afternoon treat for him and his coworkers. So, we called Matt's work number, no answer, only voice mail. I tried Matt's cell phone. No answer. I called work again, left a message and thought about what Chloe and I could do until Matt called us back.
Its almost Valentine's, I have a four-year old in tow, we only need to waste a little time until Matt returns our call, so lets go here and so we did. Literally, Chloe was like a kid in a candy store. After spending 30 minutes or so fighting the crowds and having to cut Chloe off on her candy spending spree, we headed back to the car to see if Matt had returned our call. He had not. I tried calling again. No answer on either number. So we drove through NYC. It was nice. I kept hitting every bakery, restaurant, store I ever wanted to visit and found it. Chloe ate red hots, sour gummy worms and pixie sticks. She was also busy trying to pry the wrapper off a giant lollipop. She was as happy as Larry.
Meanwhile, I began to panic. Matt hadn't called back (and its not easy to park where he works and you cannot get in without a guest passed logged into their computer system from within their building--in other words, Matt had to know we were coming, which he didn't, and put us into the system) and I had a boatload of cookies in my car! I decided I had to take one for the team. I opened the Le*Vain Bakery bag, pulled out a mammoth chocolate walnut cookie and took a bite. I had to pull over. On a busy NYC road. It was manna from heaven. I heard choirs of angels sing. Then the phone rang. It was Matt. I told him Chloe and I were in the city and had priceless treasures to deliver to him and his coworkers.
I managed to find a space outside Matt's work (illegally) and we met Matt. He acquired said manna from heaven and Chloe and went into the building to deliver the chocolaty goodness. I sat in the car, watching for the parking/traffic police and watching a group of orthodox Jewish men ask passerbys if they were Jewish as they blared music from the camper they called the "Mitzvah Mobile" or "Mitzvah Tank". (I didn't take this picture, I got it off of the internet. I really wanted to take a picture, but it would have required me to leave my illegally parked car. I always think its funny and so NYC that this camper sits in front of a pretty landmark NY building on Park Ave.)

So, we had a good Valentine's, both yesterday and today. Hope your Valentine's Day was as sweet!
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