Two months with Flash as a part of the family. He's growing by leaps and bounds. We can no longer pick him up and carry him, he's too big for that. He's in the gangly puppy stage, where he long-legged and lean. We purchased him a special feeding bowl to slow his frenetic eating down a bit---not sure if it's working as he still slurps his food up in no time flat and at each of his three feedings a day he acts as if he has not seen food in weeks.
When he's not trying to wrestle with Lizzie, he can be found doing one of his other favorite activities: chasing and making Chloe scream, picking unripe tomatoes, trying to chew your hand off, or digging a hole in the yard. He's a beautiful boy, but he's all puppy right now.
On Thursday, I walked Flash to Chloe's elementary to pick her up from class. He was quite the hit with the elementary crowd, until he decided to do a poo on the lawn of the school. Do I need to describe the children's reactions then? Needless to say, I don't think Flash will be a welcome sight at the elementary school again!
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