At the entrance to our back door is a wood floor. It's pre-finished wood and when we replaced our furnace some time back, the guys destroyed the floor. It can't be repaired. We are having to replace the floor. However, I couldn't find anyone to replace the floor because there are 3 wood stairs at the entrance that were also damaged and need to be repaired. I was told by flooring expert after flooring expert to find a stairmaster to replace the floor. Seriously? For 3 steps? Finding a stairmaster is no easy feat. The generally build stairs and work on new builds and renovations. And, by chance, I think I have found one, after nearly 2 years of searching. Could our wood floor finally get replaced this week? I hope so.
Down in the basement, the sleeper sofa was delivered today. Unfortunately, in order to get the sleeper sofa in the basement I had to know out the sheetrock surrounding one of the pillars. We can now add "sheetrock pillar" to the to-do list.
We have to wait to sheetrock until we sell the old sofa that still resides in the basement.
The new bookshelves are done and need to be painted. The footprint of the new bookshelves is different. You can see where the old bookshelves once were where the white rectangle is located on the right wall. It seemed simple enough, strip the old latex paint off and repaint. Not so easy. The wall is plaster and today I was advised to get a professional plasterer in to repair and repaint. Oh, and did I mention the wood floors around the new bookshelves have to be refinished?
And, we haven't even started on Oliver's room.

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