I kept the camera handy this past week and snapped shots of the kids behaving as they normally do. Looking back on the blog, I realized that much of what the kids do on a typical day isn't all that obvious. I want to remember the good and the bad of their personalities at this age so below are some random, honest shots of the kids on a typical day in our house.
Lovely, isn't it? This is Oliver's latest "trick". He did it once in front of his big sister and she laughed so he does it several times a day to see if he can get a giggle. He thinks it is hysterical. |
Oliver's feet at any given moment at any given time of day. Shoes do not stay on for any time and socks don't usually last long either. His latest trick is to keep his shoes and socks on until you are in the car and then throw them at you. He's a pretty good aim. |
Hats---Oliver loves this beanie cap of Matts. He usually wears it when we go out and about. He also likes to wear it down low, almost over his eyes. |
If it is plugged in then Oliver is all over it. This is the sound equipment in the playroom, which he likes to turn on and off, remove the knobs and reset all the controls so when it comes time to watch TV or use the surround sound it will take you 30 minutes to figure out what Oliver pressed so that you can make it work. Oliver and I took a mother/child class at the library but we only made it through 2 classes--there was a radio and CDs were played during the class. Oliver wanted NOTHING to do with the books or the singing of songs. He only wanted to play with the stereo and the CDs. |
Chloe's socks, left randomly around the house. I once pulled out 3 pairs of her socks from the couch. As soon as she walks in the door, she kicks off her shoes and socks and half the time she can't remember where she left them an hour later much less the next morning when she is getting dressed. We are working on picking up these items and putting them in their rightful place. |
Oliver is all about feeding himself. His favorite food is yogurt. No matter what he is eating, he must have a fork. He will pick up the food with his hands, stick it on the end of the fork and then put it in his mouth. |
Chloe thinks our furniture is gymnastic apparatuses. In this photo she is performing a handstand and then she rolled onto the top of the radiator. |
Chloe loves to read. She is really into astronomy (she can't wait to go to Hawai'i and see the big telescopes). She told me the other day that she has decided that she does not want to be a astronaut anymore. She is afraid that if she goes into space she will come across a black hole and get sucked into it. Instead, she has decided that she will be a scientist that stays on the ground in the command center and lets the astronauts take the chances. |
This is the longest Oliver has ever sat for a book!! He saw his sister reading and had to copy her. If Chloe is doing it then Oliver wants to do it. |
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