Rocks in MY Dryer
Plumb Tired
we received a hefty bill to re-plumb our kitchen to prevent it from backing up. Well, while I was making dinner last night guess what our kitchen sink did again? It overflowed because it wasn't draining AGAIN!!
I immediately called our plumbers who came out early this morning. First thing they told me is that their work is covered for 30 days, since the work was completed in over 30 days ago, they would bill me again. I am usually an extremely passive person, but something inside me could not remain passive anymore. I flipped! I realize we have 80 year old pipes and you get problems more regularly. But, did I pay them a lot of money to tear out a wall and re-plumb my kitchen to avoid this very problem? After tinkering in the kitchen sink for an hour, I was told they were going to put in a call to the experts. EXPERTS--what are you? (I flipped again). After another hour, the expert showed up--Mr. Rooter. (Mr. Rooter is the expert?) I could feel a blood vessel in my head bulging and ready to snap.
If we weren't having to pay out the nose for all this work, I would just laugh at the absurdity of it all.
Well, the expert can laugh all the way to the bank as I just cut another check for an obscenely ridiculous amount. We are only missing half a wall in our basement now and it is still a mystery where our kitchen sink drains. The expert tried to reassure me with, "well, at least we know it drains to the main line. Don't worry too much, everything in your town is old. Everybody has problems like this." Somehow, that statement didn't help. I don't feel better knowing that all my neighbors have to add "plumbing" into their monthly expenses like we now do. All that statement told me is that plumbers make a killing in this area.
Chloe Potty Trains Mommy
I am happy to say that I came to this realization this weekend after reading an article on potty training in "Toddler" magazine and after a conversation with Chloe that went something like this:
Chloe: "Mommy I am so proud of you!"
Me: "Why are you proud of me Chloe?"
Chloe: "Because you wear big girl panties and use the potty like Claire."
Claire is a 3-year old friend of Chloe's. Hmmm, I thought, she's ready, stop being a slack mom and put her in the underwear. So, Monday Chloe picked out a pair of panties and off we went. Only one accident while playing in the backyard. But, today was the true test. Tuesdays are busy in and out days for us. We have Mommy & Me and Pre-school.
I am slowly realizing that I can very easily become one of those helicopter mother's hovering above her child, the one's who worry about everything and fear their child cannot succeed without them butting into every aspect of their life. I know those mom's want the best for their child, and hey I want what's best for Chloe too. So, perhaps that is why I had the fear that she would have an accident in class today and be forever traumatized. I was simply neurotic in hovering above my child asking every 5 minutes, "Do you need to go potty?". Lucky for Chloe our Mommy & Me instructor had an intervention reassuring me that Chloe would be ok and to lighten up. She told me all kids have accidents, Chloe is not yet 3 and if she has an accident, oh well, she'll clean it up and we will change Chloe's pants. No big deal. And it wasn't a big deal to Chloe. I stopped bugging her and she did just fine. No accidents.
Just as we left Mommy & Me to go home and have lunch I realized that Chloe would be without me during pre-school. What would she do? Could she tell her teacher she had to go potty? Oh no! As the fear and worry began to possess me once again, I told myself to let it go and not to worry. Whatever happens would happen and it's not a big deal. So, I took Chloe to pre-school where she promptly entered and told her pal Claire that she was a big girl too. I guess her sense of being a big girl has also given her a new sense of empowerment as she also told a little boy in class that she didn't like him kissing her (I wish she would have also told him that her mom didn't like him wiping his boogers on her either). You go girl! After telling her teacher that she was in panties, I left only to return some two hours later eager to see if she was in the same pants. And you know what? She was!
So, I am making a vow to stop hovering and go with the flow (figuratively and perhaps literally).
Spring Has Sprung!!
Chloe is one of those kids out in the yard. The lid has come off the sand box and she is running throughout the backyard with Lizzie the dog. We took full advantage of the beautiful weather to clean up the yard on Saturday and then to enjoy Matt's Porsche autocross on Sunday. Chloe and I brought a picnic to the event and sat in the back of the SUV watching the cars. I got a little sun too!
Today promises to reach the high 80s so Chloe and I have been in the back yard once again. She has spent most of the morning chasing bugs. I have added a video of her, I thought it was cute even though she is getting a little grouchy because her nap time was approaching.
We All Scream for Ice Cream
This photo was taken Sunday after we returned from getting ice cream. Looks like Chloe enjoyed her chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles.
HAZMAT suit needed

One Year in the Garden State
Below are some highlights and accomplishments as residents of Jersey:
- Matt is well-versed in communting by bus, train or car in NYC.
- Chloe started pre-school and we participate in a weekly Mommy & Me class.
- Shannon joined our local Newcomer's group and will serve on the Board for the next year.
- Shannon transferred her membership to the local Junior League and will begin active status in the fall.
- Matt got a new hobby car, his 1987 Porsche.
- Matt's company continues to grow and build clients in NYC.
- We only have to drive a short distance to find ourselves in Boston, Philadelphia, the shore, and NYC. (If you drive a long distance in Texas, you still find yourself in Texas.)
- Have the heat on for 7 months out of the year instead of air conditioning (like Texas).
Of course, a lot more has happened since moving to Jersey, those are things just off the top of my head. I think our 1st year is well-documented on this blog.
Here's to the 2nd year in Jersey!
A Birthday Wish
Chloe: "When's my birthday?"
Me: "In June. It's April now. You have to get through the rest of this month and then May before it is June."
Chloe: "My birthday is June. I get to blow out candles and get presents."
Me: "Indeed. What present do you want for your birthday?"
Chloe: "A monkey."
Me: "A stuffed animal monkey? You have two already."
Chloe: "NO! A monkey that will give me licks for kisses."
Me: "A real monkey?"
Chloe: "Yes, silly."
Me: "I don't think Mommy & Daddy are allowed to give you a real monkey."
Chloe: "Why not a real monkey?"
Me: "Because."
Chloe: "Oh."
Two Fish...Three Fish
After returning from Texas, I checked in on Bingo II and Bob II (ok, it’s time I admit that Bob I, given to us by our neighbor who no longer wanted to care for him, passed on a month ago. Chloe was so attached to him at that point that I replaced him with a look-alike, Bob II). They appeared to be doing well. I changed their water and fed them. All was right in Bingo II and Bob II land – so I thought. Yesterday morning, Bingo II did not tap on his tank to greet me when I got Chloe out of bed as is customary. Instead, he just slowly swam in one spot, lethargic. Oh, no. I added a drop of Betta medicine to his bowl hoping it would pick him up.
Well, after pre-school I went to put Chloe down for her nap and low and behold, Bob II was deceased. What! He appeared totally normal that morning. It was Bingo II that had concerned me. Poor Bob II had suffered from a quick onset of fin rot, which Bingo II also had. Since, Bingo II acted lethargic in the a.m., he got the medicine and was still alive, barely.
Not thinking I could pass Bob II as “asleep” for too much longer, after Chloe’s nap we went to Petco and picked up two new Bettas, one red (the new Bingo III) and one blue (he new Bob III). I was pre-emptive in purchasing Bingo III believing Bingo II was not long for this world.
So, we now have 3 Bettas. Two Bingos and one Bob. How is Bingo II? After another dose of Betta meds he appears to be making a recovery though he is now playing the role of Spike, Bingo's cousin, who is visiting (as he still may make an exit).
Gone To Texas...
We had a great time though it seemed a little rushed and we weren’t able to fit in all the stops we wanted on this trip. Chloe was able to spend some quality playtime with her cousins Bryn & Gemma on Friday and Saturday. Chloe and I were also able to visit PaPaw’s farm and Chloe was able to see some chickens, guinea fowl & ride on the tractor. We also managed to find the perfect spot for the obligatory Texas springtime photo in the bluebonnets.
Easter day was a bit chilly and we didn’t even dress Chloe in her Easter outfit. We visited our friends Bryan & Sue and had a late afternoon Easter meal & egg hunt with Shannon’s parents.
We returned home Monday to the chilly spring weather and still dreaming of warmth.
I May Not Have Been Born in Texas, but I Got Here as Soon as I Could...
Every spring parents pull to the side of the road to take photos of their little ones in a field of bluebonnets. I am so happy that Chloe got her photo taken in the state flower. It is a right of passage for a Texan.
Down on the farm
Chloe riding the tractor with Papaw through the mud. This was big thrill for her and she keeps talking about the muddy mud on "her" farm.
We went to the Dallas World Aquarium on Friday with Ashley, Bryn & Gemma. Chloe was so excited to see her cousins that she broke out into a giant hive all over her body!
Easter Egg Hunt
Chloe and Matt hunting Easter eggs. Matt is wearing his brother's sweater because we expected it to be a little warmer than it was and we came a little unprepared for the 50 degree temperature.
I Wanna be a Cowgirl
We found Chloe's pink cowgirl hat amongst the piles of other stuff left behind at my parent's house from our move. Chloe wouldn't wear this hat when we first bought it nearly a year ago. Now, she loves it. You can also see the spontaneous rash that Chloe broke out with off and on during our trip on her face.
At the Car Wash
Chloe assisted Matt in washing his car on Sunday. She used a paper towel to wash and was completely soaked from playing in the water.
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