In the pre-Chloe days I was employed as a middle school history teacher. People would always bestow blessings on me when they learned my occupation and tell me what a "tough age" I taught. Well, I am here to say that I will gladly take a room of 30 8th graders over a room of 6 pre-schoolers any day!
Today was my day to be the co-oping mom at pre-school. This wasn't my first day in the classroom, it was just my first day as the co-oping parent during allergy season. I spent the majority of my time wiping runny noses or wiping the streaky snot off a three-year olds face or repeatedly saying, "don't pick your nose". And, I had boogers wiped on me 3 different times by the same child. I won't sit by him again during circle time and will carry a nose suction next time. I feel as though I am covered in mucus and serving as a petri dish for every known germ.
I co-op again in two weeks and am possibly considering a HAZMAT suit for the assignment. I say bless you to all the pre-school teachers out there, what a tough age!
1 comment
That is too funny...I love it! I wished I could have seen your face when the first booger was wiped on you!
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