Tuesday, November 01, 2005

It was Chloe's 1st Halloween and boy did we enjoy it! The "we" in that statement is: Mommy, Daddy, Papaw and Bebe, notice Chloe has not been included. She was generally clueless to the whole event, only that we dressed her in a ladybug outfit with an annoying hood and people laughed at her all night. When Chloe was handed candy by one of the neighbors, Chloe threw it back at her. She really had no idea what was going on. Nevertheless, she was a trooper (as long as she could hold Mommy and Daddy's hands and walk).

Since Chloe will be more aware of next year's Halloween festivities, she has already put in a request to be a "DUCK!" In Chloe speak, that means she would like to be anything feathered that flies. Anything that meets that criteria is a "duck". This fall, as everything begins to die off and the blackbirds appear, I get to hear "duck, duck, duck, duck!" on every car ride and walk outside the house. So, duck she will be next year...her wish is my command.

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