Allez! Allez! Allez!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Chloe is continuing to watch the Tour de France in the morning over breakfast. Today, Mommy was teaching Chloe some of the French lingo shouted during the Tour. The people yell, "Allez, allez, allez!" (translation: "GO, GO, GO!") as the riders pass by. Well, seems Chloe has learned a new word, and it isn't English. She is a little parrot. When Mommy yells "allez, allez, allez", Chloe would do the same. I wish I had a photo to post or the camcorder because her little tongue is hysterical when she shouts it. She sticks it out and folds it up and then says the words. Very cute.

Chloe has been keeping her list of favorite cyclists in the Tour. The likes Michael Rasmussen (she likes the polka dot jersey), Jaan Kirsipu and of course, Magnus Backstedt. But, today she got a gift from two cyclists who couldn't make the Tour this year because they are saving themselves for the Pyrennes...Aunt Deanna and Uncle John. They sent her autographed photos from the Triple Bypass. Chloe says, "allez, allez, allez!".

1 comment

Lucy said...

Found your blog by hitting "next blog" button in upper right.

Chloe is marvelous. Congratulations.
