2.5 Years Old Today & Christmas Portraits

Thursday, December 14, 2006
In celebration of Chloe turning 2.5 years old TODAY, I am posting some of the latest photos of her. These were taken last week.

P68802046_038_638_121106, originally uploaded by pookie2shoes.

Santa and Chloe. You can tell from Chloe's expression that she is a bit unsure of Santa (read previouse post).

P68802046_038_636_121106, originally uploaded by pookie2shoes.

A smiling Chloe.

P68802046_038_640_121106, originally uploaded by pookie2shoes.

I spent a small fortune on this darling Christmas outfit that was made especially for Chloe and she wouldn't stand up for the photo to show it off!! I really wanted a photo of her in the outfit and she wouldn't stand up.

P68802046_038_641_121106, originally uploaded by pookie2shoes.

A very serious Chloe reading The Night Before Christmas.

P68802046_038_643_121106, originally uploaded by pookie2shoes.

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