A Little Detective Work Leads to a Sick Day

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My poor girl, in bed with a fever this morning.

Chloe has never been a child to complain about feeling bad or even tell you when she felt bad---she's too afraid she would miss out on the action and most of the time she feels great. So far she has a superior immune system-- has never thrown up, had a sore throat, ear infection (well, she had swimmers ear once, but that was caused by ear wax!),  missed a day of kindergarten because she was sick or even had a high fever. When you have a child that is relatively healthy 99.9% of the time you get used to that and don't always recognize when they do get sick. Case in point--yesterday Chloe complained that her knee hurt. I looked at and didn't see anything to cause pain. Chloe told me that she thought she kicked too much swimming over the weekend. I thought it seemed plausible. That was it. That was the only complaint.

Fast forward to 7 a.m. this morning--where we finally put the pieces of the puzzle together thanks to two other clues Chloe shared with us---
  • Chloe woke in the middle of the night in a fit-ish sleep crying and speaking incoherent babble.
  • She ate nothing for breakfast and laid on the couch even though she said she was fine and wanted to go to camp.
After some inquiring and prodding and cajoling, Chloe finally shared that her head hurt and she was thirsty. Since Chloe never complains about feeling unwell, I reached for the thermometer and I took her temperature---103.5 degrees!

Needless to say Chloe did not go to camp, despite the begging and the tears (see I told you she didn't want to miss out on any fun) and did go to the doctor who determined our thermometer was off and she had a 104.5 degree temperature. Chloe has slept most of the day, only waking for her medication to reduce her fever. I went in this afternoon to check her temperature and give her another dose of fever reducer. I had to wake her. After giving her her medicine, she asked, "Mom, do I need to get up or can I sleep some more"? That's a sick Chloe!
Feeling better and out of bed this afternoon.

**Update: Chloe is up and around at 3:45 p.m. She told me she feels great and wants to play W*ii!**

1 comment

Grant's Mom said...

Poor Chloe...that first picture, she looks so miserable! Yet, the last picture shows her bright smile. Get better!