The Napkin Note

Monday, September 13, 2010
Matt and I placed the above note, written on a napkin, in Chloe's lunchbox for school. It was a surprise. As I zipped up the lunchbox, Matt commented that Chloe will complain we wrote on her napkin.

I picked Chloe up after school and we walked home. Shortly into the walk Chloe asked: "Hey, why did you and Daddy write on my napkin? You keep writing on my napkins! Stop it you! No one else gets notes written on napkins. It's so embarrassing."


I was a little hurt, though I didn't say anything. I changed the subject.

As we approached our home, Chloe said, "Mom, can you write on my napkin again? I was just kidding before. I want you to do it again. I accidentally threw the napkin away and I wanted to keep it. I want to start a collection of napkins that my mom wrote on."


1 comment

MommaT said...

Clever girl!