Strawberry Picking & Measurements

Friday, June 17, 2011
The kids had their pediatrician appointment yesterday and then we went to pick strawberries afterwards. First, the measurements:
Height 47 inches (27th percentile)
Weight 44.5 lbs. (34th percentile)

Height 37 inches (70th percentile)
Weight 34 lbs. (80th percentile)

We went just along the NJ/NY border to the u-pick farms we visit each year. I thought Oliver would go mad for the strawberries since he loves them so, but, he didn't seem to recognize them on the plant. He preferred to play in the plowed, dusty field next to the strawberries where he got filthy. Chloe helped pick and she even tried to teach Oliver which strawberries to pick. "Oliver, pick the red ones and only the red ones. You can't just pick any strawberry you see!" she told him, obviously remembering what she had been taught.
Teaching little brother which strawberries to pick.

Already Oliver has lost interest in picking strawberries.

Lots of berries!!

Chloe picking "the perfect strawberry". She picked quite a few before she called it quits claiming it was just too hot to pick strawberries. Apparently, it wasn't too hot to run around a plowed field though.

Oliver and Chloe playing with a "found" ball in the plowed field next  to the strawberries. Oliver looked like he had a dust bath when he was finished. He also had a flailing tantrum in the field when his sister wouldn't give the ball to him. He was so loud the farmer asked if he could retain Oliver's "services" to scare away the birds from the berries.

We picked 15 lbs. of strawberries. I couldn't resist. There were so many red, juicy berries. I couldn't just leave them there! These strawberries are so much better than the strawberries commercially produced and sold in the supermarket.

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