DTC for Emma Claire!

Thursday, September 14, 2006
After paperchasing for over 8 months we are finally DTC for Emma Claire!!! Our agency called today to tell me that our dossier looks great and that they will be sending it to China tomorrow!! I am so pleased to finally have the gathering of documents behind us. I never thought that it would take so long to gather all of our documents. Of course, when we started, we never thought we would be moving to Jersey either.

After I got off the phone with our agency, I told Chloe that we were officially waiting for her little sister. Then I asked her if she wanted a little sister. Her response, "No, I want a pickle." Well, I complied with her request and then told her we had a while for her to come around to the idea of a little sister. At that moment our mailman arrived and Chloe ran to the door and said, "Get the mail!! Little sister is here!"

Well, I wish the wait was going to be that short, but we are probably looking at a 14-18 month wait at the minimum. I am certain that even though the wait is longer this time around that it will somehow seem to go quicker than the 9 month wait for Chloe. We seem to be a little busier now than we were in 2004/05.

1 comment

Kelley said...

Congratulations on being DTC!

BTW, I must point out that your point of reference regarding tomatoes is Texas for goodness sakes, so of course, you would think that Jersey tomatoes are good. They're not bad, but PA tomatoes are better! :-)

Hugs to y'all!