Lesson Learned

Saturday, March 24, 2007
This past week has taught me a lesson - Children grow up way too fast. I no longer have an infant. I have a toddler who is on an advanced placement track to becoming a teenager. I would have sworn on more than one occasion this week that I was with a 13 year old and not a two year old.

Example 1: There was the moment in a store this week that made me thankful that there aren’t bars in malls. My dearest child was on her worst behavior running away from me in the store and hiding in the clothes racks like a teenager who didn’t want to be seen with her mother at the mall. I would demand Chloe come stand next to me and I would get, “What?! What!? I stand right here! I’m right here!” The scariest thing about it was the throwing up of her arms at “What!? What!?”. I think she came pre-programmed with a pre-teen/adolescent attitude.

Example 2: On waking I have Chloe sit on the potty. After a not so great night, Chloe wasn’t keen to this idea and at my request I got, “I don’t like Mommy right now!” back at me. This was a first and I am certain not the last time I will hear this statement. I figure it’s just a preview to my life in 10 years.

Example 3: Check the photo out—Chloe feeding the dog (below). Chloe has now added feeding the dog to her daily list of chores and demands that she do it everyday. I am no longer allowed to feed the dog and as soon as I make the attempt I get scolded and have to witness the waterworks. So, Chloe was feeding the dog when I noticed her pants were now “hip-huggers” (see photo) and she was wearing her dress-up shoes. Oh please, tell me this is not her fashion sense.

IMG_1418, originally uploaded by pookie2shoes.

1 comment

Anonymous said...

BeBe says "Nice Look!"