The Dairy Best

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I interrupt my daily blogging on the life and times of Miss Chloe to interject a message near and dear to Chloe and Chloe's PaPaw---organic milk.

Milk is Chloe's preferred beverage of choice. Seriously, at least 5, 8 ounce glasses a day. She will drink juice, only if milk is not available, and is only recently come to drink water. So with a child that can easily go through a gallon of milk (1% BTW) in 2 days, serving her organic milk not laced with growth hormones (BGH) is important.

Chloe's PaPaw was in the dairy sciences industry until his retirement recently and has always informed us of the little known differences among those producers of so-called dairy products. Buyer Beware!! Just because it says organic does not organic make.

This morning, as I met with the other mom's of the children in Chloe's pre-school class, several of us began discussing what we feed our kids and the topic of organics came up as several of the mom's talked about how they only give their kids organic milk. This struck a cord with me as my Dad (Chloe's PaPaw) has always been adamant on serving Chloe the dairy best without BGH. As I stated earlier, just because it says "organic" doesn't mean it's good organic. A lot of producers have jumped on the organic bandwagon and think that if they slap "organic" on their label they can squeeze a few more cents out of us. So, I shared this link with the mom's and I will share it with you in bloggy land...if you buy organic dairy products, check out this link as it ranks organic milk producers. If you're going to pay more, then make sure it is what you think it is.

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