Friday, February 15, 2008
Honestly, I feel totally compelled to chime in on this one. I generally try to stay out of politics on this blog as it is about my child and her doings, but give me a break! I truly believe Congress is fiddling while Rome is burning! Have they lost their minds or their desire to be re-elected?

We have recession looming, foreclosures at record levels, a war in Iraq, tainted this and tainted that entering our food supply and children's toys, global warming, a weak dollar.... And what is Congress doing about any of that? No, they are attending to more pressing matters by holding a special hearing to get to something that effects virtually NONE of the American population...steroid use in baseball. ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDIN' ME? There is nothing else more pressing on the Government Reform Committee's agenda than questioning an over-paid professional athlete/star on his steroid use?

What's the next issue to hold hearings on...whether the 24 chosen competitors on American Id*l really are all truly undiscovered talent?

So, I went here to see who serves on this committee and to whom I could address my letter of displeasure. I also went here to see what sort of business they usually occupy their time with. Oh, and of course, I had to go here to read all about the MRI results on Roger Clem*ns right buttock to see if indeed there was evidence he had given himself a steroid shot in his booty because we all know that's a pressing matter in the U.S. today!

So please, feel free to check out the above listed sites and see your tax dollars at work. Oh, and if you want to send them a message, you can go here.

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