The Fashionista

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
For the last two weeks, living with Chloe has been like being on a episode of "Wh*t NOT t* Wear" but with a three-year old as host.

Episode 1:
Setting: Leaving the house to go to pre-school
Plot: Chloe tells Mom, "I don't like the outfit you are wearing. It's too bluey. I like you in pink. Take it off." After Mom tells her she's not removing the outfit, Chloe replies, "Well, I don't like your shoes either."

Episode 2:
Setting: Chloe's Mom & Dad's bedroom.
Plot: Daddy asks Chloe if he looks nice for work. Chloe's response, "NO! Your tie doesn't match". Daddy responds, "But it does", and sets off for work. Later that same day at dinner Chloe asks her mother, "Mom, do you think Dad had a good day today?" Her mother says, "I hope so," to which Chloe replies, "I don't think he did. His clothes didn't match."

Stay tuned for more episodes....

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