The Birthday

Monday, May 05, 2008

Saturday was my 35th birthday. Normally, I don't give two cents about my age and really, half of the time when people ask me how old I am I really have to give it some thought. It just means very little.Up until last Friday, I was approaching turning 35 in much the same way. I didn't care. That's until Chloe's soccer class.

I guess age means so little to me because I have always been the youngest. So, I kind of enjoy turning one year older and knowing that I am still my parent's youngest child, the youngest among all my close childhood friends, the youngest in my marriage, the youngest among my friends and cohorts in NJ (or so I thought).

Friday at soccer it was mentioned that Saturday would be my 35th birthday. One of my close friends mentioned how I was "the baby" of the group when another pal chimed in that technically she was the baby. How could that be I wondered to have to be at least 3-4 years older than me. NO, NO, she was 5 years younger than me! Thus began the spiral...everyone that I know that is younger than me came popping out of the woodwork. Thus, my eternal bubble of youth was burst!

It's not like I never knew there were people younger than me! Its just that some of these women are very accomplished and they achieved things I am still struggling to acquire...they've done things that I thought made them much older than they were. It was the kick in the pants I needed. I can't keep putting things off because it is hard work. Friday was the jolt I needed to shore up some plans to motivate me to get fit. So, for my 35th year on this planet I am going to kick it into high gear and shed 35 lbs. (one for each year)!


Anonymous said...

I hate to inform you, but you are old. Just wait, before long you will be as old as me!

JoAnn in NJ said...

Congratulations Shannon!
Kurt was 35 last week!

And funny enough, you're still a youngin' in my book, as unfortunately I am in my 40's!

Oh to have my life now at 35 would be very sweet indeed! (but I guess everyone says that, right?

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

You are still my BABY!!!!