A Family Tradition

Thursday, September 03, 2009

This adorable yellow dress was given to us by Aunt Ashley. Chloe's cousins, Bryn and Gemma, each wore this dress on her first day of kindergarten. Ashley gave it to us to keep the tradition going. Though we broke tradition a little by wearing it on Chloe's second day of kindergarten (because she HAD to wear the plaid skirt and tie outfit) the sentiment was not. Chloe was quite proud to wear the dress to school today and felt quite the big girl knowing that Bryn and then Gemma, her two BIG girl cousins, had both worn this dress too.
Oh, and just for the record, we were on time today, in fact, we were a little early.


Katie said...

How is that dress so clean? It is absolutely adorable!

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Nice tradition!

Grant's Mom said...

OMG, that outfit is too cute! I too cannot believe how clean it is after three uses!