Conspicious Consumption

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
This past week we have been compelled to part with large sums of money as we have made some large purchases. And I'm not kidding either.

Only one purchase is a necessity, and even that could be argued since our old one technically still works. Today I signed the contracts to get our boiler replaced before the cold weather strikes. Our current boiler is original to our house. That makes it 85 years old. It's been cranking out heat for all those years but just at an efficiency level that is utterly pathetic and that makes it a relic of days gone by (also it has asbestos inside). So it's being replaced by a new unit that will cut our heating bills anywhere from 30-50%.

The other two purchases were completely non-essential. The first was this--

And, we purchased that to haul this--

Yes, we have completely lost our minds. The Lincoln replaces my old car and the trailer is something Matt wanted to get for a while to take on weekend vacations in the region and to his autocross events.

Camping anyone?


Headmeister said...

I can't believe your old boiler worked for that many years! And how cool about your other purchases! I've ALWAYS wanted an RV or camper! Cool that you got new wheels to go with it ;)

See you tomorrow!

JoAnn in NJ said...

Just wanted to pop in and say how nice it was to meet your family at Heather's on Sat. Kelsey had a great time playing with Chloe!

Hope to see you soon!
JoAnn in NJ