
Friday, January 27, 2012

We spent part of last evening in the ER with Oliver. He couldn't stop coughing and throwing up last night.

Matt took a car from the city to the hospital and when he arrived the staff knew exactly which toddler he was talking about. I believe they used descriptors like "he's a pistol" and "a handful" to describe Oliver. Let's just say it took a staff of 3 to restrain a 38 lb. toddler to administer a breathing treatment.

Oliver was given the compliment that he was extremely polite. He kept screaming "No Thanks!" as he screamed, kicked, spit, squirmed and put up a fight.

We're seeing the pediatrician later today to further evaluate his condition and we are giving breathing treatments every 4 hours.

Big sis is a trooper as always. She packed Ollie's favorites--the iPad and some cars-- and some items to entertain herself. She also helped me give Oliver his breathing treatment this morning.

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