
Monday, May 04, 2009
Chloe and I went to Texas last week for spring break. It was actually warmer in NJ---who would have guessed---but we got to see my parents and sister and it was good fun. Matt stayed in NJ to work, we want to save his vacation time for Oliver Henry's arrival.

We left Monday and bad weather in Dallas canceled our first flight out. We waited at the airport for 4 hours before we could leave. We got in late to Dallas so it was pretty uneventful.

Chloe was itching to go fishing on PaPaw's farm and so we all agreed to make the 1.5 hour drive and hang out on the farm. Chloe had a blast fishing in the pond, checking the hen house for eggs and searching for ripe strawberries.


Swinging on the potato sack swing Papaw made.
Digging a giant hole with BeBe.
Going for a tractor ride with PaPaw.
Picking beets with Aunt Deanna.
Smiling as Aunt Deanna displays Chloe's catch.

Collecting eggs with PaPaw.

I tried my hand at fishing too and caught a big catfish, with assist from my dad and sister. We estimate it weighed between 10-12 lbs. We enjoyed it for dinner on Wednesday. I guess it was lucky for Matt that he didn't come to Dallas because he can't stand catfish.


Deanna holding the big catch of the day.

On Wednesday and Thursday we hung out around Allen, Frisco & McKinney and hit the old stomping grounds. Chloe stayed at home with PaPaw and when we returned this is what we saw:


Apparently someone had PaPaw build her a lion's den in the living room.

Friday had us back in Canton at the world's largest flea market. Chloe stayed on the farm with PaPaw, distracting him from his work getting ready for the first farmer's market of the season. When we came back from trade days we all pitched in to get the produce ready for Saturday's farmer's market.


Chloe cleaning the onions.


Dad picking onions with Deanna picking beets in the background.

We came back to my parent's house in the burbs that evening and went to dinner to celebrate my impending birthday. Afterwards, Chloe had a snowcone. This was a first for her and she loved it.


We flew back home on Saturday but before going to the airport we went to see my dad at the farmer's market---


*Note: At the farmer's market Dad keeps a white notebook (see the left side of the photo) with "Pictures of the Farm" on it for customers to look at and actually see that he DOES grow the food---which believe it or not some unscrupulous people aiming to get a buck at farmer's markets don't, they go and buy it in bulk and pass it off as homegrown. Anyway, the front cover is a picture of Chloe and when you open the binder it is more photos of Chloe before you get to the actual farm photos.

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