
Friday, March 04, 2011
This past week has been a blur. Its gone by so quickly. It hardly seems possible it could be Friday and we have been home nearly one week from our Hawaiian vacation. ***SIGH***

Finally! He naps!! But, of course he fell asleep about 15 minutes before we had to go to get Chloe from school----grrrrrr!

But perhaps it has gone by so quickly because it HAS been a blur as I manuever through the week in a fog from lack of sleep. Things have been crazy at our house this week as we try to acclimate back into the cold and the time change.

The five hour time difference has played havoc on sleep patterns. Oliver has been waking between 3:30-4:30 a.m. every night with little interest in going back to sleep. I have been laying on the floor next to his crib coaxing him back to sleep. Around 6 a.m. he gets bored with my pleas and finally gives up and falls back to sleep. I have to then wake him up around 8:30 a.m. to take Chloe to school. Naps have been hit or miss this week too. Oliver has always been a great sleeper, both naps and at night, so I hope this is just a jetlag phase and will be over soon. I'm praying this isn't a new sleep pattern.

As for Chloe, she's been falling asleep reading every night around 7:45 p.m. and then waking several times in the night to complain about this or that (she's cold, the dog jumped on her bed to sleep with her, the dog didn't jump on the bed to sleep with her, where is the dog?, her covers don't come up high enough, she has to go to the bathroom, she's thirsty, etc.). It usually ends up that she crawls into our bed and attempts to take over my side of the bed.

Needless to say, I haven't had an uninterrupted night's sleep since last week. I'm not accustomed to having my sleep interrupted nor do I function properly when it is interrupted.

So, I am happy to say that we have only one thing scheduled this weekend for the family---SLEEP!
Chloe still sporting the Hawaiian shirt. She wore it to school today. She's still livin' "aloha"! I am just hoping she gives up the Hawaiian time zone and accepts that she is back on Eastern Standard Time!

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