Knock, Knock

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
This video couldn't sum up our lives better if I had hired a Hollywood director and script writer. It's short but captures so much of our day to day.

Oliver has taken to telling "Knock, Knock" jokes. Well, he's taken to telling one "Knock, Knock" joke and it's always the same:

Oliver: "Knock, Knock"
Me: "Who's There?"
Oliver: "Ball"
Me: "Ball Who?"
Oliver: "Knock, Knock"...and repeat the above all over again and again

This video captures Oliver telling his "Knock, Knock" joke at about the 50th repeat where big sister Chloe decides to hop in once she realized I began recording this joke-telling marathon. How it ends is classic Oliver--a scream (and it's not even a loud one. Yes, he CAN get louder) and then the "shhh" sign. Enjoy a glimpse into our lives!

1 comment

MommaT said...

Dude's got some lungs! BTW Iloved their photos (I am going backwards to catch up on your blog!)