First Haircut

Sunday, May 22, 2011
I did it. A month before I said I would. I had Oliver's hair cut. It was getting unruly and Matt said it was looking "very mad scientist". On Friday, I took Oliver to my hairdresser and she did a little cleanup. He went from baby to little boy and I got teary-eyed.

Overall he did very well. Big sister loves getting her hair cut and she went first---three inches off, we didn't touch the bangs as they are almost there.

The Before.

The After. Lina always styles Chloe's hair so nicely!

 Oliver did let out a few shrieks when it was his turn. But he settled in when he sat in my lap and was given a lollipop (his first ever). He loved that!

The Before. He's a little unsure as to what is going on and as to who all these strange women are.

During. The lollipop helps a lot!
The After. Handsome little man! Not to be outdone by his big sister, Lina added some green hair paint to spice things up (it washes out)!

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