Oliver's First Day of Pre-School

Friday, September 09, 2011
Obviously school makes him very thirsty.
Oliver started pre-school today. He will be going twice a week for 2.5 hours. We thought about it long and hard, consulted our pediatrician and a child psychologist. Eventhough he's only twenty-six months old, everyone thought he was ready for pre-school. Oliver is bright, smart, inquisitive, very independent and has tons of energy. He also hangs mostly with his momma and seven-year olds. It was time to socialize him with other two-year olds in a structured fashion. He will also be starting a Mommy & Me class once a week with me which will start in another week. But, today was pre-school sans Mom.

Once we arrived at pre-school he was so excited that he ran straight to the room and told everyone, "Hi!",  waving with a giant smile. Oliver explored the room while I spoke with his teacher. When it was time to go, Oliver was too busy for a proper goodbye. He gave me an inquisitive look and then continued playing. My baby was in pre-school. I thought I would be excited and happy at the possibility of 2.5 hours by myself but instead I burst into tears and cried all the way back to the parking lot where I really "lost it" once I was inside the car.

Once I composed myself, I set out to run errands. I kept checking my phone, waiting for the school to call to tell me Oliver spit on someone or hit another child. The call never came. I arrived at pick-up eager to hear how he did. Ms. Dawn, Oliver's teacher, told me he did fantastic and "had the best first day of any two-year old in the history of the pre-school!". Wow! To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I had anticipated some tantrum or some report of not sharing, refusing to participate ("Don't like it!") or general unruliness. Apparently that is just reserved for home.

I then turned to Oliver who was sticking his finger in a fellow classmates peas and carrots saying, "Eat!". (Some of the children stay for a full day and they are served lunch during the pre-schoo pick-up.)

"Oliver, great job today buddy!" I told him. "Lets go have lunch."

"No!" Oliver yelled. "I don't want go," he exclaimed, pushing me away.

Fabulous. He's been in pre-school for 1 day and he's learned a new sentence and he doesn't want to leave with me. And I cried when I dropped him off?!

Seriously, I am glad that Oliver had fun and a great first day. He feels very "big boy" as he goes to school like sissy. Here's to a great year little man!

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