Life from the Garden State --Installment #2--PUMP IT UP!

Friday, October 24, 2008
A nice perk of living in New Jersey is full-service gas stations….Since 1949, the state of New Jersey has banned self-service gas stations. You pull up to the pump and an attendant pumps gas for you. You never leave your car or your child. The best part, New Jersey has some of the cheapest gas in the nation.

Just after we moved to NJ gas prices started climbing, Governor Corzine suggested that NJ repeal the full-service law and make gas stations self-service. He hoped this would lower the price of gasoline. Regardless, his office was bombarded with e-mails and telephone calls opposing the idea. Six days later, the Governor withdrew the proposal.
New Jersey, like the state of Oregon, requires full-service stations as a way of creating jobs, assisting the elderly and preventing accidents and pull-aways.

I filled up my car on Tuesday of this week. It requires premium, high-octane gasoline. I paid $2.94 a gallon for 93 octane. Best part was I got to stay in my car and chat with Chloe.

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