Clearance Granted!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013
In one week I will be boarding a plane to go to China. I got an email from our agency today with the subject line: "Clearance Granted"  and the choice of words had me cracking up. We are a "go" for China.

I am excited.

I am nervous.

I'm ready to go but also apprehensive to leave my husband and kids at home for two weeks.

It's going to be tough to be without them.

The inspections for the sale of our current home are finished and I am finally able to pull down the suitcases and all the supplies I need to bring to China. In other words, I can make a mess and not have to worry about keeping the place spotless.

Everything has been in our walk-up attic. Everything. You know when you sell a house you have to clear out the clutter? We did that and then some. But, that meant that all the baby organization I had done prior to listing our house for sale got pushed to the back of the attic. There was much digging as I tried to pull out all the items needed. I unpacked half the attic looking for the baby carrier. Can. Not. Find. It. I had found it and sat it aside about two months ago. So much has happened since then I cannot recall where I placed it and now I cannot find it. So frustrating.

What I could find I placed on my bed to survey. That's when I felt OVERWHELMED and the PANIC set in. How do I get all this to China?!? When I get overwhelmed, I shut down. So, I walked away and left everything on the bed. I made a list of other items I still needed and took the kids to Ta*rget where they proceeded to scream and push each other with much drama during the entire shopping trip. If I was frazzled by the idea of packing, Oliver and Chloe certainly didn't help me. Of course, now that we are back from the store they are like two peas in a pod, sharing a snack of seaweed. All is quiet and bliss except for the fact that I now have to figure out how to put all of this mess into a suitcase.

I am scrutinizing the weight of everything I place into the suitcase. Baby wipes weigh a ton--hope I have time to buy those in China along with diapers because those two items aren't going to make the cut.

I guess I can't ignore the pile on the bed. I have to sleep there tonight!

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