Bingo's Demise

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Wednesday evening, Chloe and I were following our usual bedtime ritual which includes feeding Bingo her Beta fish. Well, Bingo got fed, but he wasn't swimming to the top for his food. In fact, he wasn't swimming at all, but laying at the bottom on his side, dead. Chloe, of course, did not notice. I slyly had her pick out 3 books to read for bedtime and took Bingo and his tank next door to our bedroom. We continued with our usual bedtime ritual. After tucking Chloe in, I proceeded to clean the tank. I had thoughts of running up to the pet store when Matt came home for another Beta, but decided to just clean and fill the tank and let it sit until Thursday. I figured Chloe hadn't noticed, so it would be ok.

Well, this morning, Chloe came in to our bedroom for her morning diaper change and she saw the fish tank. Here's how the conversation went:

Chloe: "Hi Bingo!!"
Chloe: "BINGO!?!"
Chloe: "Where's Bingo?"
Chloe: "Bingo's gone!"
Matt: "Bingo went on a trip. You and Mommy are going to go and pick him up this afternoon."
Chloe: "Bingo's at the train station?"
Matt: "No."
Chloe: "Bingo rides the bus."
Matt: "No."
Shannon: "Bingo's at the pet store. We have to pick him up this afternoon."

And, with that the conversation was over. No more mentions of Bingo. We will have to see how it goes this later today at the pet store.

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