If You...

Thursday, October 04, 2012
take your daughter to buy new shoes, she's going to insist that you buy her high top basketball shoes. If you try to take her to a high-end department store to circumvent the high top basketball shoes, they are going to have a pair of $115 Air Jo*rdan's that she will insist she needs. If you grab the salesman at the high-end, prides themselves on customer service department store and tell him in no way shape or form are you purchasing said Air Jo*rdan's for your non-basketball playing daughter and he needs to get you out of this, then he will tell her that the Air Jor*dan's don't come in her size and will appease her with neon green and black high top skater shoes. If you let her try on the shoes next to the children's department of the high-end department store, your daughter will see a hoodie that would be "perfect" for her little brother. If you tell her the hoodies are too big for her little brother, then she will tell you that they are the perfect size for her. If you let her try on the hoodie, then you will buy it and your grand total for both items will equal the amount of the original Air Jor*dan's she desired.
Moral of the story: go to a shoe store that doesn't carry Air Jor*dan's or clothing.

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