Pre-School Fall Concert

Friday, October 26, 2012

Oliver had his pre-school fall concert and bake sale this morning. I was super excited as the children get to dress in their Halloween  costume and sing songs about fall and Halloween. It was going to be too cute...or so I thought.
It was also the start of race weekend and Matt and I decided to allow Chloe to race in a regional in south Jersey. Matt and Chloe had left early on Friday morning to get to the track.
Somebody wasn't pleased about big sis and Daddy leaving without him.
When it was time to get dressed and put on the Halloween costume, I thought Oliver would be all about his race driver suit, complete with BIG muscles.
I was wrong. Like really wrong.
It was temper tantrum central.
Oliver didn't want to go to pre-school, he didn't want to wear the costume and he didn't want to sing.
It wasn't a good morning and my patience wore thin. When Oliver is having a tantrum, patience is key.
We did make it to pre-school in our costume. But, we weren't happy and we were clingy. Oliver hung to me in his classroom and told me he didn't want to sing, he didn't want to wear his costume and he just wanted to play.  I held Oliver in the classroom until it was time to line up. Here's how he entered the auditorium where the parent's were waiting.
He doesn't look very happy does he?
 When they lined up to sing, he still wasn't happy. I thought, "Oh no".

But, then the music started and the music teacher, who is a delight and was Chloe's music teacher in pre-school (even though Chloe went to a different pre-school than Oliver), started dancing. Oliver smiled and joined in. Yes!

It was darling. They even sang some of the same songs Chloe sang in pre-school, which made me want to cry.

Oliver was all smiles at the end of the concert and back in the classroom he was happy and ready to play (what he wanted to do all along).
Oliver's pre-school class.
 The kids got to play in the classrooms for another hour and the parent's went to the bake sale and raffle. What began as a no good morning ended pretty well, especially since we won the raffle for a front row parking spot and front row seats for the Christmas concert in December!! Thankfully, Oliver won't have to wear a costume at that one and big sister will be in town!

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